Friendly football matches
Friendly football matches are also called scrimmages, demonstrations, preseason games, warmup matches, or preparation matches. Usually there is no or little prize money and impact on the winning clubs's ranking. These matches are often used to help coaches and managers select players for the competitive matches of a league season or tournament.
Friendlies can also be held to settle a challenge, provide entertainment, promote the sport or raise money for charities. International teams also play friendlies as preparation for qualifying or final stages of a tournament.
History of the friendly and bying tickets
In the early days of association football, friendlies were the most common type of match. Since the development of the England football league in 1888, also league tournaments started being established, as well as lengthy cup & derby tournaments. After around 2000 when national leagues had been established in nearly every country as well as local or regional leagues, the importance of friendlies has declined (started around 1900). You do not have to miss your preferred international friendly with tickets purchased on We offer a selection of friendlies for good prices.